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  • How does Worlingworth Primary School know if its pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

    Worlingworth Primary School knows its pupils need extra help through:

    • Baseline assessments
    • Careful tracking of data
    • Observations of pupils
    • Pre school checks
    • Liaison with Parents/Carers
    • Information from previous educational provision
    • Feedback from Teachers and Teaching Assistants (TA)

    If you have concerns about your child:

    • Speak to their class teacher
    • Liaise with the Headteacher/SENDCo (Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil), Head of School (Sophie Savage)
  • How will Worlingworth Primary School staff support my child?

    Support will depend on the identified level of need but could include:

    • Specific Interventions for literacy, numeracy, social skills, motor skills etc.
    • Differentiated teaching
    • Practical provisions such as: writing slope, overlays, dyslexic friendly font.
    • We will liaise with relevant external professionals, such as; OT(occupational therapy), SALT (Speech and Language Therapy), Ed. Psych (Educational Psychologist), Specalist Education Services.
    • Liaison between class teacher and Head of School/SENCo.

    The impact of these interventions are carefully monitored to ensure that they are effective.

  • How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
    • We expect all teachers to differentiate appropriately to ensure high quality teaching. Staff know the national expectations and the progress of individual pupils so can plan lessons accordingly.
    • Sometimes pupils will be taught in ability groups rather than single age groups to ensure that they make maximum progress.
    • The school will make all reasonable adjustments to the learning environment and equipment to cater for pupils with physical needs.
  • How will I know how my child is doing and how will Worlingworth Primary School help me to support my child’s learning?
    • Annual reports
    • Regular parents evenings
    • Celebration assemblies
    • Specific subject guidance sessions, such as phonics, reading etc.
    • Parents/Carers are informed in advance of the topics that are being taught in each class.
    • Termly IEP (Individual Educational Plan) meetings to update Parents/Carers with  targets and progress
    • Pupils are involved in the IEP process, so that their feelings and targets can be taken into account
    • Regular contact between Parents/Carers  and class teacher in the playground.
  • What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
    • We have high expectations of pupils and staff, backed up by a system of rewards and sanctions. (Outlined in Behaviour Policy)
    • Supervised outdoor play, including organised playtime activities, through our trained playground leaders.
    • Mentoring sessions, where this is deemed appropraite 
    • Trips and Visits to extend pupils’ experiences of the wider world.
    • Good links with Stradbroke High School, ensuring smooth transition.
  • What specialist services and expertise are available at or can be accessed by the school?

    All teachers hold Qualified Teacher Status and are very experienced. They have taken part in a range of training, such as:

    • Dyslexia Friendly Classrooms
    • Dyslexia
    • Fischer Family Trust Reading Intervention
    • Ability Net- IT Adaptations
    • ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) support
    • ELKLAN- Speech and Language Programme

    The school will also access support from external services, as appropriate,  such as:

    • Ed. Psych
    • OT
    • SALT
    • Opticians
    • Paediatrician
    • School Nurse
    • DOT
    • CAF (Common Assessment Framework) Process
  • What training are staff supporting pupils with SEN/D had or are having?

    SENCo has Qualified Teacher Status and is experienced in this role.

    All Teachers and TAs receive regular training in safeguarding, behaviour management and online safety.

    Some staff have additional qualifications such as:

    • Fischer Family Trust Reading Intervention
    • ELKLAN- Speech and Language Programme
    • Paediatric First Aid
    • Lego Therapy
    • Dancing Bears
    • Power of 2/Plus 1

    Other training can be sought, where a pupil has a specific need.

  • How will my child be included in activities outside that classroom?

    Range of before and after school clubs, open to all pupils such as:

    • Breakfast club
    • Gardening Clubs
    • Sports clubs

    Physio exercises could be integrated into PE lessons, where appropriate.

    Consultation with Parents/Carers  to try to ensure maximum participation in activities that could be limited by SEN/D (Special Educational Need/ Disability).

  • How accessible is the school environment?
    • The school is all on one floor, allowing easy access for all
    • Emergency pull cord in the disabled toilet facilities
    • Contrasting door and frame colours to support visually impaired pupils
    • Doors, corridors and classrooms are wheelchair accessible
    • Wheelchair accessible door bells and gate latches
  • How will Worlingworth Primary School prepare my child to join the school/transfer to High School at the end of Year 6?
    • Liaison between Parents/Carers and Nursery teacher to design a bespoke induction process to nursery.
    • Transition days to support moving between classes
    • Lunch club option for Nursery children who are ready to stay at school for slightly longer
    • Nursery children naturally integrate into school
    • “Seedlings and Saplings”- Parent/Carer  and Toddler group to introduce both to the school.
    • A range of induction activities support transfer to Stradbroke High School such as:
      • Taster Days
      • Music Festival
      • Science and Technology Day
      • Sporting activities
      • Maths days
      • RE days
    •  Good pastoral links with Stradbroke High School
  • How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to pupil’s special educational needs?

    All resources are allocated on the basis of need.

    • Data analysed half termly and actions are taken where pupils are not making expected progress.
    • Staff regularly liaise with SENCo and Headteacher to address issues, and where necessary put in place additional support or interventions.
    • Budget is closely monitored and aligned to the School Development Plan.
    • To ensure value for money interventions are evaluated and monitored to ensure their effectiveness.
  • How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

    Decision is based on a level of individual need in terms of both pastoral and academic support.

    Close liaison between Headteacher , SENCo, Class Teacher, family and pupil to identify suitable provision.

    All interventions are monitored for impact and the expected outcomes are clear from the start.

    Specialist external support will be decided by the relevant service and monitored by them, often through school visits and liaison with Parents/Carers.

  • How are Parents/Carers involved with the school? How can I get involved?

    Worlingworth is a welcoming school at the heart of its community. We value parental involvement in supporting their child’s academic progress and being part of our school family.

    There are a number of ways to be involved with the school such as:

    • Helping your child with their homework, reading, spellings and multiplication tables. 
    • Friends of the School
    • Becoming a Parent Governor
    • Running after school clubs
    • Parent/Carer helpers on trips (subject to safeguarding checks)
    • School assemblies and events, including Nativity, Class Assemblies and Celebration assemblies, attending parents evening.
    • Keeping up to date with school news through the website and school newsletter (www.worlingworthschool.co.uk)   
  • Who can I contact for further information or to make a complaint?

    In the first instance we encourage Parents/Carers  to talk with their child’s class teacher.

    If you have significant concerns about the level of your child’s SEN/D please liaise with Headteacher or SENCo.     

    If you are dissatisfied at any time in the first instance contact the appropriate member of staff; e.g. Class Teacher, SENCo or Headteacher, and if this does not satisfactorily resolve your concern, please refer to our complaints procedure. 

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