We believe there is a direct connection between children's appearance and their attitude to school. Therefore, we expect our pupils to wear the school uniform and be smart when coming to school each day.
Sweatshirts/V neck jumpers/cardigans and PEt-shirts must have the school logo.
Uniform is available at a reasonable price from the online shop. Click here to access School Trends.
We encourage Nursery children to wear our school colours of read and black. They should have a red jumper/cardigan with the Worlingworth logo for school trips and events.
Winter uniform:
- Red sweatshirt/v neck jumper / cardigan with the Worlingworth logo,
- White polo-shirt (preferably) with Worlingworth logo
- Black skirt, pinafore, shorts or trousers
- White, grey or black socks or tights
- Black shoes. Please note that plimsolls and boots are not appropriate as school shoes.
- Wellington boots
Summer uniform:
Summer uniform may be worn from the start of the Summer term until October half term.
- Black shorts
- Red checked summer dress.
- Red sweatshirt/v neck jumper/cardigan with the Worlingworth logo,
- White polo shirt, with Worlingworth logo
- Black skirt or trousers
- White, grey or black socks or tights
- Black shoes. Please note that boots, plimsolls and sandals are not appropriate as school shoes.

In particular we do not allow the wearing of jeans, tracksuits, casual shorts, boots, trainers and clothing not in school colours.
For safety reasons please do not send your child to school in shoes with high heels, platform soles, or open toed sandals.
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery or badges in the interest of safety. If they have pierced ears they may wear small, plain studs, but these will need to be removed for PE and swimming. Children must be able to do this independently.
Children with long hair should have this tied back in such a way that it will not interfere with their work.
Hair bands should be small and in school colours.
PE Kit
Pupils wear PE kit on PE days.
Trainers (please make sure your child can fasten their shoes themselves)
- Red t-shirt, with Worlingworth logo
- Girls- Black skort/shorts
- Boys-Black shorts
- Black jogging bottoms/leggings
- Plain black sweatshirt
For swimming:
- Trunks/costume
- Swimming hat
- Googles
- Towel
- Swimming hats are available from the school office
We encourage pupils to have a light water proof coat in school each day for PE, playtimes, trips and residentials.
School uniform is available to purchase from "School Trends".