Early Help

Early Help
At Worlingworth CEVC Primary School we understand that from time to time family life can have its complications. These may be the times when you need some extra help and support.
To support and advise you at such times we have an Early Help Offer.
The Safeguarding Team can offer advice on a range of concerns or can signpost parents to other sources of information, help and support.
What sort of concerns might parents share with our team?
A wide range of issues such as behaviour management, financial worries and debts, domestic abuse, housing concerns, mobility difficulties, bereavement and loss, cyber bullying - in fact any concerns which you are worried might be having a negative impact on your child(ren).
What might we offer in response to your concerns?
- Sign posting to the well being hub, or other mental health support area
- Breakfast Club
- After School Club
- Lunchtime Play Leaders
- Induction sessions for children starting our school
- Signs of Safety toolkit
- In house safeguarding protocols (1 DSL, 3 DSLs, named Governors)
- Bespoke learning interventions e.g. reading, maths, phonics
- In house audit tool to gauge children’s perseverance, attitude to learning, self-esteem & relationships which leads to bespoke planning for cohorts and individuals
- Parent Information Sessions (academic and pastoral, eg Phonics workshops, online safety information)
- A plethora of after school extra curricular activities
- Government Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
- Access to a 2nd Hand Uniform
- Educational Welfare Officer support
- Curriculum provision and additional work from outside agencies support our children in learning how to keep themselves safe
- We operate an open door policy
Help Intervention |
Summary of intervention
School Nursing Team- Chat Health |
Chat Health is a confidential text service provided by the school nursing team during term time: Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.30pm for help about a range of issues. Text a school nurse on 07507 333 356. |
Suffolk Children & Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Hub |
Suffolk Wellbeing is an online wellbeing service, run in partnership with the NHS, and students can be referred to access support either here or through a medical professional. |
Emotional Wellbeing Gateway |
The Emotional Wellbeing Gateway website provides families with practical advice and guidance on common mental health issues, such as anxiety, stress, depression, eating disorders and self-harm. Visit www.emotionalwellbeinggateway.org.uk |
Young Carer Support |
We can support with referrals into the Suffolk Young Carers services |
The Source |
The Source website is aimed at supporting all students. This website covers just about any issue a young person growing up could encounter and offers information and guidance as well as equipping them with the tools to manage their own wellbeing. An online 4YP counsellor “Ask the Expert” is also available Monday – Wednesday 5.00pm-7.00pm – www.thesource.me.uk/wellbeing |
External Agency Support |
The school work closely with external agencies to access additional support where appropriate, for example, behaviour support, CAF/TAC, family support workers, social workers, Triple P Parenting Programme, local police and PCSO, and Diversion Programme. |