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When reading our data, please be aware that our cohorts are very small, ranging from 2 to 10 pupils, and therefore each pupil equates to a high percentage. In school, pupil data is analysed closely to ensure that all pupils make good progress. However, due to our small cohorts we do not publish all children's achievement data to maintain confidentiality.

More information can be found here:

Find and check the performance of schools and colleges in England - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Worlingworth Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School - Find school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (find-school-performance-data.service.gov.uk)

2023 Key Stage 2 Results 

Proportions of pupils achieving at least: Reading Writing Maths SPAG
Above 100 (Expected standard) 67% 56% 67% 67%
Above 110 (Greater Depth) 33% 11% 22% 56%
National average Scaled Score 105   104 105
School average 105   102 104
National proportion of pupils achieving ARE 73% 71%


Combined Reading/Writing/Maths: 56%        
(National average 59%)        

Reading progress:  + 2.67                            

Writing Progress:  +0.29                             

Maths progress: +1.73                              

2024 Key Stage 2 Results


Proportions of pupils achieving at least: Reading Writing Maths SPAG
Above 100 (Expected standard) 72% 57% 57% 86%
Above 110 (Greater Depth) 43% 0% 14% 14%
School Average 106   100 104
National proportion of pupils achieving ARE 74% 73%


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