Safeguarding and Prevent

What is Safeguarding?
The purpose of Worlingworth CEVCP School’s safeguarding policy is to provide a secure framework for the school in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of those pupils who attend our school. The policy aims to ensure that:all our pupils are safe and protected from harm
- other elements of provision and policies are in place to enable pupils to feel safe and adopt safe practices
- staff, pupils, governors, visitors, volunteers and parents are aware of the expected behaviours’ and the school’s legal responsibilities in relation to its pupils
Responsibilities and Expectations
Worlingworth CEVCP School has a Governing body whose legal responsibility it is to make sure that the school has an effective safeguarding policy and procedures in place and to monitor that the school complies with them. The Governing body should also ensure that the policy is made available to parents and carers if requested. It is also the responsibility of the Governing body to ensure that all staff and volunteers are properly vetted to make sure they are safe to work with the pupils who attend our school, and that the school has procedures for handling allegations of abuse made against all members of staff and volunteer helpers. The Governing body have ensured that there is a Named Governor and a Designated Lead Professional who has overall responsibility for dealing with all safeguarding issues in our school.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil
Current legislation dictates that all schools must have a trained DSL in school at all times.
If Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil is not available then Sophie Savage, Alison Tapscott or Wendy Lawrence, the alternative DSLs should be approached. The Deputy DSLs can also be contacted with any safeguarding concerns.
The named Safeguarding Governor is Martin Lewis-Jones
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the DSL: Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil via the school office on 01728 628397.
If your concern arises out of term-time or outside of school hours, please contact Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil via email which will be regularly checked at or in an emergency contact Suffolk Police on 101 or Customer First on 0808 004005 or
PREVENT (Radicalisation & Extremism)
The awareness of staff and pupils about this topic is a priority for Worlingworth CEVC Primary School. All staff have received training on this important topic, this training is based on the PREVENT initiative from central Government and includes awareness of the CHANNEL project, that a young person at risk of radicalisation and extremism could be referred too for support. Governors are also trained in the CHANNEL and PREVENT initiatives.
The school lead for Prevent (Radicalisation and Extremism) is: Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil, Heachteacher.
The named PREVENT Governor is Martin Lewis-Jones.
Pupils take part in activities based around raising awareness of British values, the importance of being internet aware, sharing with adults their worries about a friend and being an inclusive school.
The school Safeguarding policy also includes a rationale for tackling radicalisation and extremism, a separate referral form and risk assessment for radicalisation and extremism. If anyone has any concerns about a young person displaying radicalised behaviour or feel they are vulnerable to radicalisation please contact Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil immediately.
We have reviewed our strategies in line with the Prevent Strategy 2023.
A leaflet produced by the government, specifically designed for mothers of children at risk of radicalisation in relation to Syria is available in school. Up to date information can be accessed from:
Please see the link below for a parent information pamphlet about Radicalisation.
What is Online Safety?
Online Safety is not just about keeping safe on the internet but also keeping safe on all electronic devices such as mobile phones, game consoles, television etc Online Safety means knowing about potential threats when you are online; knowing what you can and cannot (legally) do when you are online; and knowing how to protect yourself from some of the risks that are involved in using the internet. Online Safety covers 'All fixed and mobile technologies that children and young people may encounter, now and in the future, which allow them access to content and communications that could raise issues or pose risks to their wellbeing and safety'.

At Worlingworth CEVC Primary School we take Online Safety very seriously. We enjoy using the internet, but we ensure that pupils are kept safe online. Online safety is a subject regularly talked about at school and Online safety is a topic covered in both Computing and PSHE. Pupils all write an "Online Safety Agreement", outlining how they should behave on the internet.
The CEOP, Report Abuse button sits on every page of our website, so that the pupils know where to find it, should they ever need to use it.
Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil are the named teachers responsible for Online Safety. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
The following links are very useful for parents and pupils using the internet: