Sports Premium

The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013/14 and 2014/2015 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to primary school headteachers.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.
The funding has been extended until 2020.
Use of the Funding
During the year 2013/14 we employed a sports teaching assistant. This had a positive impact on the quality of the PE teaching in school and improved participation in sporting activities. We have continued this provision for 2014/15 and for 2015/16, as well as utilising subject specialities. Through 2017/18 we developed our clubs and opportunities to take part in competitive events. Into 2018/19 we invested in training for staff. In 2019/20 we are utilising specialist sports coaches to support high qualty sporting provision. We have also extended our residential opportunities.
We used the funding to employ another teaching assistant specialising in sport and PE to provide:
- Increased range of after school sports clubs
- Wake and shake
- Quality sports activities during lunch breaks
- Inter school sports competitions
- Mentoring of staff to improve confidence in teaching PE
- Employ specialise PE staff to teach high quality PE.
We will also:
- Purchase new equipment
- Provide training for teachers to effectively teach PE and competitive sports
- Provide specialist PE teaching
- Fund transport to fixtures
- Train staff to drive the mini bus to transport pupils to activities
Impact and Legacy
Pupils can now access a range of sporting opportunities both during school, at playtimes and after school. Pupils are developing skills that can be applied to a range of sports.
Wake and shake activities ensure that children come into school energised and ready to learn.
Teachers will attend training to improve their levels of skill and confidence when delivering PE. Teachers are also working closely together to share skills and good practice.
Staff are also able to drive the mini bus to transport pupils to a range of events.
These activities should support the pupils in developing and adopting healthy life styles.
These activities are regularly reviewed to ensure that they provide good value for money and a legacy of sporting achievement.
Plan for 2024-5
Employ specialist sports coaches to work alongside teaching staff, for CPD
Continue to audit equipment required for high quality PE provision
Ensure legacy of PE training through dissemination of information and training
Entry to SSP Events
Extend the curriculum offer
Develop positive and healthy playtimes and after school clubs
Transport to events
Support pupil attendance at the residential
Develop Sports Leaders amongst pupils
Fund sports clubs for pupils, where the need arises