We aim to develop inspired, successful, confident, articulate and independent learners, who are prepared for the next stage of their educational career. We offer a diverse curriculum, rich in experiences, texts, languages and challenges, which was designed to support each child in their approach to learning.
Our school motto is: Cherish All, Achieve Together, and this encompasses all that we do at the school, this is built upon: “Love your neighbour” Luke 10:25-37.
We expect high standards of behaviour from the pupils; and the staff are determined to provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities. We value every child and support each child to "Be the Best they can be!". We know that every child is special and we treat them as individuals.
Our Curriculum is based around six curriculum ‘Cogs’ which are key skills that we want our pupils to learn and develop during their time at our school. These are: Care and Community
Curiosity, Courage, Communication, Creativity, Challenge. The golden thread of reading winds its way through the curriculum, ensuring that high quality texts are used in our lessons. Topic linked, age appropriate reading books are available for pupils to support their knowledge and understanding.
Our Rainbow of Values are embedded into our curriculum and Collective Worship Sessions.
Below is a curriculum map showing how we will cover the new curriculum.
Please contact the school if you would like to find out more about our curriculum.
At Worlingworth CEVC Primary School, skills and knowledge and taught through a broadly topic based curriculum. English, Maths, RE, Science, Computing, PSHE and PE are taught as discrete stand alone subjects, although opportunities are developed to link back into topic work.
The outstanding quality of our classroom environments serves to stimulate and engage language development and higher order thinking. We actively seek out challenges and support children to develop Metacongitive thinking. Curriculum maps are produced for each class, ensuring clarity of coverage, with a strong emphasis on progression of knowledge (Key Outcomes) and skills. Carefully selected enrichment opportunities are key to providing all pupils rich experiences to enhance their learning. Opportunities for SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) developments, along with Cultural Capital are embedded into our curriculum.
Curriculum organisation and timetabling enable learners opportunities for constant recapping of knowledge and skills with well-spaced reviews.
We also recognise the importance of feedback, both adult and peer, as an integral part of the teaching and learning cycle, and aim to maximise the effectiveness of its use in practice. In response to this, planning is flexible and responsive to pupils’ needs.
Reading is the golden thread of our curriculum, with opportunities to access high quality texts woven through all curriculum areas, promoting a love of reading.
Pupils enjoy their learning and are enthused by the knowledge they gain. They are motivated by things that happen in school, for example raising money for their hoodies in Year 6, gardening (nature and the school garden) and pupil voice.
The impact of our practice will be measured in a variety of ways, through internal and external monitoring. We work very closely with other schools, the National Support School and LA to share good practice and use these experiences as part of our school development.
We know we are successful in preparing our pupils for the next stage of their learning journey, and pupils make excellent progress with us. However, we recognise that the curriculum has a greater impact than the numerical data demonstrates. Pupils make strong progress in their social and emotional development, gaining confidence, in becoming curious, courageous, resilient and responsible members of our community.