Christmas Jumper and Christmas Lunch- December 2024
Enjoying wearing our Christmas Jumpers to raise money for Suffolk Families together!
Language Ambassador Christmas Card Competition- December 2024
A big thank you to our Language Ambassador's for organising our Christmas Card competition. The children were challenged to make a card, with a Christmas greeting in another langauge! This is Hope's card, in Hebrew. These have been shared with Staff, Governors and the wider community, through Tendring Pen Pals Christmas Card Project for 2024 — a heartwarming initiative designed to spread joy, creativity, and connection across the community.
Nativity- Baubles- December 2024
We were treated to a fantastic retelling of the Christmas story through the eyes of the elves in Mrs Claus' workshop! The children sang, danced and acted beautifully, demonstrating lots of our Rainbow Values.
Well done children!
Hedgehog Class News
Hedgehog class thoroughly enjoyed their school trip to Banham Zoo to conclude our learning on the topic of Fur, Feathers and Fins. We also looked at the countries the animals were native to and worked out which animals came from hot countries and which are from cold countries to begin our new topic. We have learnt about and celebrated Bonfire Night, Diwali and Remembrance Day. We have been enjoying exploring the changes that have happened in our outdoor area during Autumn.
Fox Class News
We have had a wonderful start to the new term. The term began with an exciting trip to Banham zoo where we spotted lots of animals and identified the continents that they live in. We all enjoyed spotting the red pandas, even though they were hiding high up in the trees! We learnt lots in our discovery session and were even able to hold an ostrich egg, an elephant tusk, a tiger skull and macaw feathers. We all enjoyed our rainbow value day on Friday, demonstrating all the rainbow values of perseverance , respect, cooperation and responsibility. We worked in small teams to design and create a vehicle to carry a teddy to the teddy bear picnic. The designs were great and showed that the children thought carefully about what would work and about how to modify their designs to improve them. Well done Foxes, all teddies were safely and successfully transported!
Owl Class News
In Owl class in English, we are nearing the conclusion of our work on non-fiction related to endangered animals. We are looking at palm oil production's impact on humans and animals. The children have been on an enlightening journey, learning about how many everyday products contain this oil. They have discovered the environmental implications of producers who do not farm responsibly and the impact it has on humans and creatures such as orangutans. We have been looking at formal letter writing and will send letters to palm oil companies. I wonder if we will get any replies!
Last Tuesday, we all went to a cross-country event. Congratulations to the whole class—it was undoubtedly quite a long run, and there were many smiles of joy and relief at the finish line!
Otter Class News
Pupils have been extremely busy in Otter class since half term; they have jumped straight back into learning and begun some new topics with enthusiasm! In French, they finished their previous topic of introducing themselves by working with Owl class on their oral skills. They presented themselves to the younger pupils and asked them questions about themselves, e.g. 'Comment t'appelles-tu?' - What is your name? It was wonderful to see them guiding their peers and building their confidence of speaking in another language. We celebrated any mistakes made and talked about growth mindset as a class. In Guided Maths, we have been thinking about how to improve speed and accuracy with their arithmetic skills. We are enjoying seeing so many pupils practising TTRS at home, as this hugely helps with their times tables speed. Please remember to sign their TTRS grids in their planners, so we can celebrate their dedication. In Science, they have continued their Light topic and started investigating shadow shape and size, particularly focusing on the Malaysian tradition of Wayang Kulit (shadow puppetry). An easy activity to try at home to continue this exploration could include a torch and hand shadows in the shape of animals!
Perseverance Day- Children in Need- November 2024
The Engineer Challenge: The children took on the following challenge: "Can you design, build and test a vehicle for Pudsey bear to reach the Teddy Bears’ Picnic in? "
Using Lego, Knex, Duplo, Mobilo or Junk they had to work as a team to construct and test a vehicle for a small bear to travel in down a ramp and to the Teddy Bears’ Picnic.
The children worked fantastically in their teams, helping and supporting each other to come up with a range of ingenious designs!
Thank you for your kind donations. We raised: £46.25 for Children in Need.
Exploring Gears in Otter Class- November 2024
Otters have been exploring gears as part of their DT unit. Today we built simple machines using gears.
Learning and Exploring in Hedgehogs- October 2024
Awesome Autumnal Activities in Hedgehog Class!
Fox Class- DT Stir Fry- October 2024
As part of their topic of China- Fox class have been developing their cookery skills making a wonderful China inspired Stir Fry!
Well done Foxes.
Otter Class- Computing- October 2024
Otters have been learning about different types of computer system- including how things like Amazon Lockers work! We look forward to our new generation of Computer Scientists!
Language Day- October 2024
We celebrated Language day, in the following ways:
- Tasting new foods from around the world, including Spanish olives, Polish sausage and French brie.
- Children’s traditional Polish games at lunchtime.
- A Ghanaian performance from Hedgehog class with drums and a call and response song
- A Mandarin performance teaching us how to greet one another from Fox class.
- A French version of Baby Shark from Owl class, using excellent actions & practising their French accents from their language lessons.
- An Italian children’s nursery rhyme from Otter class, teaching everyone the animal sounds Italian children learn.
It has also been wonderful to share some of our children's heritage:
Arlo shared this tune from Ecuador: and Zofia shared this Polish nursery rhyme:
Thank you for being courageous and sharing the songs of your countries.
Pipers Vale Gymnastics- September 2024
By Daisy & Ava Be
Yesterday afternoon, Otter, Owl and Fox class went on a trip to Piper’s Vale gym centre. There we practiced our agility and upper body strength skills. In the one hour 15 minutes that we had, we completed three different activities. But first, we got to do a fun warm-up lead by the instructors and got to have an amazing 5 minutes play in the large foam pit! In our first activity (for Otter class), we had to walk across different height beams. In the second activity, we lined up in 2 lines in front of two pairs of parallel bars. We had to shuffle along those bars in different ways and then jump along a long trampoline and then re-join the back of the line. In the last activity (which was most people’s favourite) we had to go against another team in an obstacle course. After that we had to swing on levitated bars and drop into another foam pit. In conclusion, we think that this was an excellent trip as most people really enjoyed it. Some people are even re-visiting it out of school!
Responsibility Rainbow Value Day- Courageous Advocacy
We has a wonderful learning about different people who have shown courage when standing up for what they believed in.
Hedgehog: David Attenborough
Hedgehog class learnt about how David Attenborough has courageously advocated for animals and the environment through his documentaries.
Fox: Mary Seacole
Was a nurse from Jamaica. She looked after British Soldiers. As a mixed race women in 1805, people often told her she could not do things.... but she never gave up!
Owl: Malala Yousafzai
Malala wrote a book about her life "Malala's Magic Pencil." In the story, she uses her magic pencil to redraw reality and try to make the world a better place.
Otter: Jane Goodall
During our Rainbow Value Day, pupils in Otter class were amazed at Jane Goodall's dedication to saving chimpanzees over the last 60 years. When researching, they learned about her initial work in Kenya to learn about these incredible creatures when she was 23. This led to her inspiring work being carried out globally to raise awareness about chimpanzees' abilities and nature, as well as keeping their habitat safe from threats. Otter class made flipbooks to demonstrate their knowledge and enjoyed lots of craft activities that involved chimpanzees, creating jungle binoculars and drawing Jane over the years. Did you know that we share 99% of our DNA with a chimpanzees'? During our Rainbow Value Day, pupils in Otter class were amazed at Jane Goodall's dedication to saving chimpanzees over the last 60 years. When researching, they learned about her initial work in Kenya to learn about these incredible creatures when she was 23. This led to her inspiring work being carried out globally to raise awareness about chimpanzees' abilities and nature, as well as keeping their habitat safe from threats. Otter class made flipbooks to demonstrate their knowledge and enjoyed lots of craft activities that involved chimpanzees, creating jungle binoculars and drawing Jane over the years. Did you know that we share 99% of our DNA with a chimpanzees'?
We are encouraging our children to be courageous advocates. based on our Vision of Loving our Neighbours.
'What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.' (Micah 6:8)
What could your child do to be a courageous advocate. Please do let us know any examples!
Welcome Back September 2024
It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back to school!
Our Whole School Topic this term is 'Our Wonderful World'- with Hedgehog class learning about Fur Feathers and Fins, then after half term, Hot & Cold Countries. In Fox Class, they will be learning about the Bright Lights and Big City of London and then China. Owl class will be learning about Marvellous Maps & Glorious Globes- why don't you test your child's map reading skills! Otter Class will be learning about South American and the Mayans.
Please see the Class Newsletters for more information about the term ahead.
You can find lots of information about our school curriculum on the Curriculum page of the school website:
Skateboarding Workshop - May 2024
We all enjoyed a scooter and skateboard workshop. We wore green to remind us that exercise and having fun outside can really help our mental health.
We co-operated beautifully.
Whale Class- February 2024
Whale Class (Nursery & Reception) are always so busy exploring! They are enjoying their new gym equipment and their new outdoor environment!
Whale Class- February 2024
Whale Class (Nursery & Reception) are always so busy exploring! They are enjoying their new gym equipment and their new outdoor environment!
Blast Off! February 2024
Whale Class have been blasting off into outer space!
Musical Maestros! February 2024
Music plays a very important part in our school! Dolphin Class learn to play the clarinet, Sealions also learn brass instruments. This week Sealions have been extending their skills with the glockenspiels!
Rocks and Soils- February 2024
Dolphin class have enjoyed investigating different types of rocks in their Sciene lessons this term. Look at that beautiful anomite.
Love Your Neighbour- February 2024
Dolphin class have been demonstrating our Christian Vision by litter picking around the village.
Thank you Dolphins.
Disco Fever Dance Workshop- February 2024
Disco divas! We all enjoyed our Disco Fever dance workshop on Tuesday!
Shrove Tuesday- February 2024
Whale class had lots of (messy!) fun making their own pancakes on Shrove Tuesday!
Colchester Castle- November 2023
Whale and Turtle Classes had a wonderful time learning about Castles in Colchester!
Language Day- October 2023
We celebrated Language Day by learning the Hungry Caterpillar in French.
The children worked in their house groups to learn colours and food in French. Croissants and pain au choclat at playtime made it a very exciting day!
Quelle merveilleuse journée linguistique ! Lire la chenille affamée en français !
Harvest- October 2023
Thank you so much to everyone who generously donated produce for the Food Bank collection at this Harvest time. The children's prayers and artwork was appreciated by everyone at the service this weekend.
Harvest- October 2023
Thank you so much to everyone who generously donated produce for the Food Bank collection at this Harvest time. The children's prayers and artwork was appreciated by everyone at the service this weekend.
Rainbow Value Day- Love Your Neighbour- September 2023
Love Your Neighbour
Luke 10:25-37
We spent the day learning about taking Responsibility for loving our neighbour and demonstrating Mutual Respect (link to British and Rainbow Value), through the story of the Good Samaritan. We learnt how important it is to care for everyone, even if they may seem different to us!
To help us learn, we enjoyed a variety of activities:
- A talk with Rev Enid about living with the Inuit Community
- We learnt 5 ways to welcome people and building on our musical theme from last year, we learnt a song about being a good Samari-friend!
- We learnt some simple first aid techniques
- We also designed some key rings to help us remember to love our neighbour
- Utilising our Speaking and Listening theme we acted out the story and thought about how each person felt.
We look forward to seeing lots of you ‘Loving Your Neighbours’.
Flying High- July 2023
What better way to learn about the history of flight than through song!
Horstead Residential- July 2023
Chopin Class enjoyed a wonderful few days at Horstead in Norfolk. The children were challenged to try to new things and to problem solve, together in teams. Paddle Boarding was a huge favourite, as was climbing and camp cookery!
It was wonderful to see Chopin Class demonstrating all the Rainbow Values whilst they were away!
Taking responsibility for their things, persevering with challenging activities, co-operating with each other in canoes and paddle board, making new friends with children at Wilby School, being kind and looking after each other, being honest at all times and showing respect to the instructors.
We all had a super time.
We all loved Horstead and the team! We hope to be back soon!
Sports Day- June 2023
Our Sports Day was a magnificent success with every jewel house trying their best and demonstrating all their Rainbow Values! We loved the water races, the hockey and the obstacle course!
Our parents also showed their comeptitive spirit in the parents' race! :)
Well done to the amazing Sapphire House for winning the Sports Day Cup!
Year 6 Hoodie Fundraising
Our Year 6s have been busy raising money for their leavers hoodies.
They arranged a non uniform day, sold ice lollies on frozen Friday and organised a wonderful fete!
Well done to the Year 6s. The hoodies look great!
Rainbow Value Day- Friendship and Communication- May 2023
Our Rainbow Value day around Friendship had a communication theme! The children made towers out of spaghetti and marshmallows, practised communicating and drawing, played blindfolded obstacle courses and lots of other wonderful activities. The children have been demonstrating kindness whilst also developing their communication skills.
At lunch time the children organised a spontaneous game of duck, duck, goose and the whole school joined in! True friendship!
Coronation- May 2023
We all came to school dressed in red, white and blue to celebrate the King’s Coronation. During the day we all made crowns and celebrated by singing a special Coronation Song. We learnt about how King Charles II will make a pledge- to do the right things and be the type of King that he wants to be. We then thought about how we can be the best person we can be and do the right things.
The Parish Council also gave each child a special Coronation mug to remember this special occasion.
This is our special Coronation Song:
Reading Cafe- March 2023
Dinosaurs wearing underpants visited Elgar Class. With the help of our wonderful parents and grandparents we spent an afternoon just enjoying reading and taking part in roar-some book related activities. With a Dinosaurs Love Underpants theme, children and parents created books, sequenced the story, made dinosaur masks, fished for words and designed new pants for the dinosaurs!
World Book Day- March 2023
A wonderful week of fantasy themed activities to inspire reading! We dressed up as fantasy characters, enjoyed a book and bake sale and even wrote our own book. The Jibberhog is a tale of a great beast that visits the school... there is a twist in the tale- is the Jibberhog the creature we think it is?
Boccia Tournament- January 2023
Well done to the Boccia team- learning the game and coming 3rd all in one afternoon! The children showed fantastic co-operation and kindess throughout the event. Well done all!
Rainbow Value Day- Perseverance & Advent- December 2022
Today we worked in mixed age groups to learn about Perseverance through the Nativity Story. We learnt how Mary & Joseph had to persevere on their journey to Bethlehem; the Donkey when carrying Mary, the Angels, bringing their important messages from God; the Magi, following the star to find Jesus and the Shepherds, overcoming their fears to visit the new born King.
Some of our Angels are on display in the Church for the Angel festival.
Britten Class- Animation- December 2022
Britten Class have been making animations with Lego. The children had to demonstrate fantastic perseverance, responsibility and co-operation to ensure their animations worked.
We do hope you enjoy them!
Born In A Barn-December 2022
There has been much singing in Worlingworth School over the last couple of weeks! The children have been busy learning their lines and songs for the Christmas Nativity: Born in A Barn! We are very proud of our child's skills and talents.
We hope you enjoy the show!
Mitzvah-December 2022
Vivaldi Class have been learning about the Jewish Mitzvah. The literal meaning of the Hebrew word mitzvah is commandment, but the generally accepted sense is that of a good deed. Today they have been busy making and icing gingerbread, which they have been giving out as an act of kindness. We hope you enjoyed the cookies!
Be Bright, Be Seen!- November 2022
The children came to school in their brightest clothes to think about road safety and the importance of being seen.
PC Simon Green came into school to help us learn more about keeping safe!
Curiosity Homework- November 2022
We set the children a challenge to be CURIOUS! This term our learning cog is curiosity, so we gave the children the freedom to be curious about something that interested them.
We obviously have very curious children and families, as the response was fantastic! We had posters, news reports, power points, models, talks and much more!
We enjoyed spending the afternoon being curious about all the projects. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
Bat and Ball Skills- November 2022
Vivaldi Class have been training, honing their ball skills.
Great co-operation and perseverance Vivaldi class!
Lego WeDo- November 2022
Britten Class have been making "Snapping Crocodiles" with the Lego WeDo. they had to build the crocodiles and then programme them to snap on command!
They demonstrated great responsibility with the programming, perseverance with the lego and co-operation, working together in teams.
Letter Writing- November 2022
Chopin Class have been writing letters to support the halting of deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest.
They have taken part in debates, consequence ally and explored the reasons for and against deforestation. What do you think?
Terracotta Warriors- November 2022
Did you know, the Teracotta Warriors have appeared in Worlingworth!
Vivaldi class, as part of their topic on China have been busy creating their own sculture army. They had to demonstrate great perseverance, as modelling with clay is harder than it looks!
We think they've greated a fabulous new Terracotta Army, don't you?
Reconciliation- November 2022
In RE Britten Class have been learning about reconciliation. They also learnt how this is in an important concept in Christianity.
We know our children are really good at showing honesty and respect, but now they can also demonstrate reconciliation.
Weaving- November 2022
Chopin Class have been learning about South America and comparing the area of Rio de Janiero with Suffolk.
As part of their topic they have learnt about the traditional South American Weaving and tried some out for themselves. They really had to persevere; it's harder than it looks!
Science- Signs of Autumn- November 2022
Vivaldi Class have been learning about the different seasons. They searched the school site to find different signs of Autumn. They showed fantastic responsibility when finding the leaves, so they didn't disturb any habitats.
Learning about Britten- November 2022
Britten Class have been listening to the Four Sea Interlude by Benjamin Britten. They produced some art work in response to the music. Britten Class used different techniques to collage their 3D ship pictures.
Well done Britten Class.
Music in Vivaldi Class- November 2022
Vivaldi class have been learning to play the Glockenspiels as part of their music this term. They have learnt how to care for them and how to play them properly. They have been using muscial terms, such as tempo, pitch and rhythm. They have also been using simple dynamis. Great work Vivaldi!
Learning the Clarinet- November 2022
Britten Class have started to learn Christmas Songs in their Clarinet lessons! It's so lovely hear thm persevering with their learning!
Mrs Baylock is very proud of their efforts.
Football Tournament- November 2022
In the pouring rain, Chopin Class took part in the Football tournament. They stayed positive, despite the difficult conditions and played very well, showing great team work and respect.
It was wonderful to see Frankie taking on the role of team Captain and all the children applying their skills in the tournament.
Well done Chopin!
Numerical Relationships- November 2022
Vivaldi Class have been learning about numerical relationships and patterns using Cuisenaire Rods. Can you solve their puzzles?
We have some budding mathematicians in Vivaldi class. Well done!
Batik- November 2022
Britten Class have been learning how to make images using Batik. They have co-operated well and worked together to create their wonderful pictures. Wee done Britten Class.
Cross Country- November 2022
Chopin and Britten Classes showed fantastic kindness and perseverance athe Cross Country event. They cheered each other on and every child finished the race! We are so proud of them all. A big well done to Alfie for coming 6th overall!
October Half Term
What a fantastic half term it has been! The children have enjoyed lots of wonderful learning activities, using our cog of "Care and the Community". They have also demonstrated our Rainbow Value of Responsibility through their learning, play and activities in school. We are very proud of all our children!
Golden Pen Writing
This week Chopin Class have been focussing on their writing. They have been drafting, improving and editting their work, to ensure it's the best it can be! Well done to Phoebe and Sam for winning the Golden Pen award!
October 2022- Lego Wedo
Britten Class have been building "snapping alligators" out of lego and using WeDo software to make them snap! Fantastic team work, problem solving, perseverance, co-operation and responsibility from Britten Class!
October 2022- Stir Fry
Vivaldi Class have been making stiry fry as part of their China topic. They peeled, chopped and cooked the vegetables, mixed them with noodles and ate with chop sticks! The children managed really well with the chop sticks and loved the stir fry!
October 2022- Mini Marathon
Britten & Chopin class were so inspired by Mrs Lawrence's son, Alex's success in the London Marathon, they took part in their own mini marathon.
The children ran 2.6 miles around the Community Centre field, showing a fantastic growth mindset to complete the challenge!
October 2022- Language Day
To celebrate our love of languages here at Worlingworth Primary School, we recently travelled to 5 different countries in 1 day! Our theme this term included learning about stories that different communities around the world enjoy. We heard stories from China, Wales, Hungary, Brazil, Germany, Spain and Italy! It was a day full of exploring new cultures, learning about new foods, dance & arts, & most importantly trying out new languages! We also loved wearing different colours to represent flags from all around the world, including the South Korean, South African and French flag. At lunchtime, pupils delved into stories from France, Spain and Malaysia, asking lots of sensible questions about the differences between English and other languages. We can’t wait for our next Language Day already! Did you know that learning languages is so fun?!
September 2022- Harvest- Rainbow Value Day
Our special Harvest day was celebrated through out Rainbow value of Responsibility and our Cog: Care and the Community.
In Collective Worship, we learnt about the story of Ruth, who gleaned enough left over grain from the fields to feed her family. We also considered how to be responsible with our food, make the most of left overs and share what we have with others.
Elgar: had fun making bread and mark making with brocolli!
Vivaldi: made apple crumbles with the apples from our trees.
Britten: wrote Harvest prayers.
Chopin: learnt there is enough food in the world to feed everybody but that the continents with the most people have the least food to share between them.
July 2022- Year 6 Manor Adventure
Day 3
Blind trails and caving- a wonderful final day. A big thank you to Mrs Gourlay and all the children for a super weekend :)
To complete our weekend; our Rainbwo Values awards:
Responsibility: Anesu: For always being organised and taking part in each and every activity.
Perseverance: Rubin: Our Duracell bunny! Rubin completed every activity with gusto!
Cooperation: Zeno: For helping everyone and being a true team player.
Kindness: George: For always being encouraging and making sure everyone was enjoying themselves. (Including the adults).
Friendship: Faraj: Always looking after his friends, encouraging, helping and caring!
Leo: for including everyone and keeping the fun going all weekend!
Honesty and Respect: Benjamin: For being polite to everyone we met on our travels!
Well done Year 6!
July 2022- Year 6 Manor Adventure
Day 2
A wonderful day at Manor Adventure. Anesu was up and ready first! After an early start and a large breakfast, we were out on the water learning to sail mini catamarans. It was a windy morning, which allowed the children to get some real speed across the lake. They enjoyed played games- chase the flag and racing between the buoys, before eventually taking a quick swim to cool off. Zeno and Rubin proved themselves to be true sailors, racing around the lake like pros!
After lunch we headed back to the lake, and enjoyed raft making and paddle boarding. The children had to use all their cooperation and resilience skills to build the raft. Faraj, the knot expert checked the raft was strong enough for water. The “Barrell Barge” survived its maiden voyage, despite a few children ending up in the water. The Pirates decided that the teachers needed to go for a swim too and capsized the raft!
Leo and George showed the rest of us how to paddle board, demonstrating their prowess and control, racing around the lake, and avoiding an unexpected swan. It was only towards the end that George realised that he’d spent the whole session paddling backwards and making things even more challenging for himself! Anseu glided around the course, taking on every challenge with a smile on her face. Faraj was so kind checking in with everyone. After a few unexpected (and planned) splashes into the river and it was time for tea.
There was much excitement when the tuck shop arrived!
Benjamin showed his brilliant bouldering skills with amazing agility! The children loved the opportunity to climb.
We hope we all sleep well tonight!
July 2022- Year 6 Manor Adventure
Day 1
We have arrived at Manor Adventure and settled into our rooms. Our first activity was fencing and we learnt how to lunge and battle. We thought we looked like bee keepers.
After a yummy dinner, a quick game of football and some harmonica playing, we enjoyed Orienteering and learning our way around the site. We had to solve riddles and then find the letters to answer the clue.
Can you help us?
What has legs but doesn’t walk?
What goes up but doesn’t come down?
We were very grateful to the leaders for rescuing our ball from the lake!
We’ve learnt that Rubin is an amazing fencer. Zeno reads a map like a pro! Anesu is so encouraging of everyone. George is wonderfully positive about everything. Faraj solves puzzles quicker than everyone, Ben is super speedy and Leo is so excited about the water activities tomorrow!
July 2022- Sports Day
Congratulations to the magnificent Jet team, winning the Sports Day cup!
The children demonstrated their Rainbow Values, of perseversance, co-operation and kindness throughout the day, whilst showing their competitive nature too! It was wonderful to have parents watching! Well done to the adults taking part in the parents' race!
June 2022- Hieroglyphics
Africa Class have been exploring our Communication cog with wonderful Egyptian hieroglyphics!
June 2022-Crucial Crew
The young people that attend Crucial Crews in Suffolk will have first hand experience from trained professionals about how to keep themselves and their friends and family safe, how to be environmentally conscientious and how to lead healthy lives.
Asia class enjoyed their time!
May 2022- Rainbow Value Day- Friendship- The Jubilee
We enjoyed a super Jubilee Day, icing crown biscuits, making crowns, finding lost Corgi's and learning to sing the National Anthem.
The children worked in Jewel groups and demonstrated wonderful friendship, kindness and co-operation- So many of our Rainbow Values!
We cheered the Jubilee torch as it travelled through Worlingworth.
The day culminated in a special Jubilee Collective Worship and the singing of our Jubilee Song.
May 2022- Prayer Day
Our special Prayer Day last week was a success, with all the children learning the actions for the Lord’s Prayer and engaging in different activities to help understand the meaning of lines in the prayer. The Year 6s worked hard to rejuvenate the Reflective Garden and after four wheelbarrows of weeds, the erection of a mirror, displaying of prayers written by the children and the planting of some kindly donated plants it has become a wonderful prayer and quiet space for the children to use.
Rainbow Value Day- Care and the Community & Kindness
We spent the day learning about the Rainbow Value of Kindness and the Curriculum Cog of Care and the Community.
In our House groups, we enjoyed a variety of engaging and exciting activities including:
- Making a kindness paper chain,
- Making bird seed treats
- Litter picking
- Making Pots of Kindness
- Learning the Creation Story
- Designing a Creation mural
- Making bees- as bees work together as a big community.
All the children showed how kind and caring they can be, and learnt about how we can care for our environment and community.
A big well done to Sam and Anesu for showing fantastic kindness and community spirit.
World Book Week
An alien space craft landed at Worlingworth School, just in time for book week!
During our Sci-Fi themed week, we enjoyed reading, reciting and writing lots of poetry. We had daily cosy reading sessions and on World Book day we all dressed as Aliens!
We put together the Wonderful Worlingworth Poetry Anthology. We ope you enjoy the videos of our poems.
Rainbow Value Day- Cooperation
Our Rainbow Value day focussed on cooperation. We spent the day engaging in a number of challenging activities and we cooperated to overcome the problem. We ended the day with a whole school ball run around the school!
Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day- December 2021
We enjoyed wearing our Christmas Jumpers and eating our Christmas Dinner!
Christmas Nativity- The Landlord's Cat- December 2021
We all enjoyed the amazing performance of the Landlord's cat!
Asia Class Play Christmas Music- December 2021
At Worlingworth School, we value the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. This year Asia class have been learning brass instruments. Enjoy their rendition of Jingle Bells.
Here Come the Invaders- October 2021
Worlingworth school was visited by a number of invaders throughout history! We enjoyed a camp fire, Viking stew, we made a human timeline and learnt a Medieval Dance!
October 2021
We have been enjoying our Invaders theme and Asia class visited Colchester Castle to learn more about the Romans.
September 2021
Welcome back to a new school year at Worlingworth CEVC Primary School! It is wonderful to welcome all the children back to school!
This year, our classes are named after different continents, Oceania, Europe, Africa and Asia. Over the Summer we challenged the children to research one of the countries in their class continent. Look at some examples of the fantastic posters and information booklets the children produced!
July 2021- Lewin Visit Red Feather
Lewin Class enjoyed their trip to the Red Feather Museum in Horham. They had the opportunity to explore many different artefacts and extend their understanding of the role of air bases during World War II.
June 2021- Sports Day
Congratulations to Diamond house for winning the Sports Day cup!
We all thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Sports day this year, especially Year N, R and 1, who have all been looking forward to their first Worlingworth Sports Day.
It was wonderful to see such great team work and sportsmanship on show!
Well done Worlingworth!
May 2021- Football Day
What a fantastic football themed day at Worlingworth School.
So many football themed activities, foot ball shape work, investigating skeletons that make effective footballers, quizzes, football coordinates and the Big Penalty Shoot out! Congratulations to the winning houses: Emerald & Sapphire; with 16 penalties each!
A big thank you to the Sports Ambassadors for their wonderful ‘Match of the Day’ themed Wake and Shake!
Our day focussed on how getting active and working as a team supports our mental health and well being.
In our Collective Worship we considered how footballers, such as Marcus Rashford are fantastic role models for standing up for what you believe is right!
May 2021- Up, Up and Away
This has been such a busy half term and it has been wonderful to be back together as a community. Our topic this term is 'Up, Up and Away', with lots of exciting and challenging concepts to learn. We have introduced our 'Learning Cogs', with a focus on Creativity and Communication this term. More information will follow.
We have also introduced the conept of 'sticky knowledge'- things the children really need to remember to help them with future learning. The children love this concept and have really taken it on board.
Here is a selection of pictures showing some of the wonderful things we have been doing this term.
Look our for transport in Matisse Class, Owls in Picasso, London art, Lowestoft in World War II descriptions in Lewin, World War II Poetry in Monet.
Remember to check our Facebook, Twitter and weekly newsletters for more information!
May 2021- Matisse Class Maps
Matisse class have been thinking about journeys, exploring OS maps and are making their own maps.
April 2021- Lewin Class Maths
We are very pleased to be back at school together. We have taken advantage of the good weather to complete some of our learning outside. Lewin class have enjoyed some outdoor maths lessons!
March 2021- Pirate Week!
Worlingworth CEVC Primary School have welcomed their children back to school with an exciting and engaging Pirate Week!
Like all other Primary Schools in England, the pupils at Worlingworth CEVC Primary School have been learning online all term and felt that the return to school needed to be memorable.
The children enjoyed a special theme week to welcome them all back to school. We came into school to find a Pirate area had been created on the playground, complete with a desert island and a Pirate Plank! Special 'Pirate' activities have re-engaged the children with face to face learning and brought the whole school community back together. Amongst other Pirate lessons, pupils have been learning sea shanties, designing flags, given each other new Pirate names, and making pirate ships. Pirate books have taken centre stage and the pupils and staff even dressed up as Pirates as part of their slightly delayed book week celebrations.
The week culminated in an exciting Pirate treasure hunt around the village for pupils to enjoy with their families.
October 2020
We are so pleased to be back at school and learning together. Whilst lots of the routines are different, lots of exciting learning is going on!
Corona Virus School Closure-July 2020- Week 18
It was wonderful to see so many of you joining our Leavers' Assembly yesterday. It was lovely to celebrate the year together and say goodbye to a marvellous group of Year 6!
Have a super Summer and we look forward to seeing you all back together again on 2nd September.
Corona Virus School Closure-July 2020- Week 17
Arthur (Mercury) has learnt to ride his racer bike! Eli (Saturn) has found a butterfly. Polly (Jeffers), Robyn (Jeffers), Reuben (Jeffers), Toby (Carle), Lily (Jeffers) have been learning about countries around the world and drawing their flags.
Jacob (Saturn) has made a castle with a drawbridge. Drew (Saturn) has been drawing fruit, after reading Handa’s Surprise. Keeley (Saturn) has been plotting routes using a BeeBot.
Corona Virus School Closure-July 2020- Week 15
Lots of lovely space related pictures this week! Bethany (Jupiter) is enjoying the sunrise as part of her Brownie badge. Millie and Spencer (Jupiter) have made a model of the Solar System. Lily (Jeffers) has been naming the planets. Iris (Mercury) is riding her new horse. Lennon (Mercury) is enjoying playing with the tyre. Rubin (Jupiter) has made a space helmet! EY/KS at Thorndon have been making rockets and Henry (Jupiter) has travelled to space! Betsan (Carle) has made a rocket and KS2 at Thorndon have been making planets!
Corona Virus School Closure-Celebrating our Learning- June 2020
Corona Virus School Closure-June 2020- Week 14
Alfie & Serafina (Mercury) are making patterns as part of White Rose Maths. Lily (Jeffers) has made an Olympic torch. There’s a great video on Thorndon’s twitter feed of the torch relay! Jacob (Jeffers), Toby (Carle), Oscar (Potter) and Daisy (Carle) have enjoyed playing with the tortoise. Poppy (Carle) has made a healthy eating poster. Catrin (Jupiter) has written a sporting poem, Imogen (Jupiter) has made a healthy smoothie. Libby (Morpurgo) has been making fruit salad and yummy sweet treats. Evelyn (Saturn) has produced some fruit inspired art and Arthur (Mercury) & Henry (Jupiter) have designed their own sports kits!
Hattie (Potter), Lilly (Morpurgo) and Daisy (Carle) have all been making their own tennis rackets!
Good work Worlingworth & Thorndon!
Corona Virus School Closure-June 2020- Week 11
This week there are some super photos showing all the work you have been doing from our ‘Once Upon a Time’ work.
Zac (Jupiter) and Amelie (Jupiter) have been designing ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’ for their own fairy tales. Evelyn (Saturn) has been pond dipping.
Oscar (Potter), Ollie (Carle), Maddison (Potter), Daisy (Carle) and Jacob (Jeffers) have been making bridges for the 3 Billy Goats (dinosaurs) gruff.
Henry (Jupiter) has used acrylic paint to create an amazing picture of Aslan from the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. I enjoyed telling Henry that this Narnia tale was my Prep 6 production! (A long time ago now!)
Iris (Mercury) looks very pleased with her 3 little pigs! Jorge (Potter) used the computer to draw his pigs and Poppy (Carle) drew Puss in very shiny boots!
Angel (Morpurgo) and Rylee (Potter) have made an incredible Gingerbread village!
Thomas (Carle) and William (Potter) have been doing some wonderful re-telling of fairy tales- see Thorndon’s gallery for the results!
Angel (Morpurgo) has been coding and Lydia (Potter) is getting stuck into some of the challenges.
Corona Virus School Closure- May 2020- Celebrating our Learning So Far!
Corona Virus School Closure- May 2020-Week 10
This newsletter contains a handful of photos that have been shared with us towards the end of last week and during half term week!
Gareth (Jeffers) is very proud of his story writing, Clopen School were enjoying butterfly races and Libby (Morpurgo) sends a hug!
Arthur (Mercury) and Henry (Jupiter) have been making worm worlds, Amelie (Jupiter) and Evelyn (Saturn) enjoyed time in the paddling pool! Catrin (Jupiter) has been making bath bombs. Ava (Saturn) has been making butterfly cakes!