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Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Worlingworth CEVC Primary School's website. 

“Cherish All, Achieve Together”

We are a school based in our community, for our community and built on a Christian foundation. Our Christian vision is to: “Cherish All, Achieve Together”.

This has been inspired by the parable of the Good Samaritan, where we can all: “Love your neighbour” Luke 10:25-37. We live this out through our Rainbow Values (Responsibility, Perseverance, Co-operation, Friendship, Kindness, Honesty, Respect). We aim to develop a school with a strong pastoral ethos, enabling everyone to flourish during their time in the school. As Jesus taught us, in the parable of the Good Samaritan- we value each member of our school community as a unique individual and model God’s love and care to each other and the wider community- cherishing all, and achieving together!  We are an inclusive community and everyone is welcome!

‘We aim to develop inspired, successful, confident, articulate and independent learners, who are prepared for the next stage of their educational career.’

We want our children to flourish and develop dignity and respect for themselves and others. Through a drive for progress and an innovative curriculum we hope our pupils leave us as well rounded, confident individuals with skills to take on any challenge!

We have chosen to use the story of the Good Samaritan, as all the Rainbow Values are demonstrated in the story. We are fully inclusive, loving our neighbour (each other), within the school community, our local community and beyond. The Samarian, despite being the outsider, took care of the injured man- and our vision supports our inclusive ethos- valuing each child for themselves.

The parable of the good Samaritan testifies of Christ. It teaches of the plan of salvation, the Saviour’s atoning love and our journey towards eternal life

Our Rainbow of Values are embedded into our curriculum and Collective Worship Sessions.

We aim to develop inspired, successful, confident, articulate and independent learners, who are prepared for the next stage of their educational career. We offer a diverse curriculum, rich in experiences, texts, languages and challenges, which was designed to support each child in their approach to learning.

Our Curriculum is based around six curriculum ‘Cogs’ which are key skills that we want our pupils to learn and develop during their time at our school. These are: Care and Community, Curiosity, Courage, Communication, Creativity, Challenge. The golden thread of reading winds its way through the curriculum, ensuring that high quality texts are used in our lessons. Topic linked, age appropriate reading books are available for pupils to support their knowledge and understanding.
We are very proud of our village school, being housed in a beautiful old building in a quiet location, with attractive surroundings.  We very much see ourselves as an integral part of the local community and seek to maximise opportunities for community links.

We are a feeder school to Stradbroke High School.

We are always willing to welcome visitors to our school, so please do come and visit! Please contact the School Administrator, Wendy Lawrence, who will take your call or see you at Reception.

I hope you enjoy looking at our website and find everything you are looking for. 

Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil

Ofsted and SIAMS Inspections

We are delighted to announce the result of our recent Ofsted and SIAMS inspection.

We have been graded. 

in all areas for both Ofsted and SIAMS.

Click here for the latest Ofsted Report

Click here to read the SIAMs report

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